Overview and screening of emotional disturbances in mothers with online schooling children in Sinduwati village, Sidemen district, Karangasem regency

Funding period : 2021- Active



The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact not only on the health and economic sectors, but also on almost all sectors including education. Likewise with Young Doctors who are currently studying at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, which is discussed in this study, especially those who are currently pursuing Psychiatry. Due to the pandemic, professional/clinical learning which is usually hospital-based is now adapting so that some learning is carried out online (in the network), including in terms of enrichment. Enrichment is still carried out using an online media platform in the form of Zoom, by discussing six major topics of psychiatry that are the competence of general practitioners.


The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive description of online psychiatry learning by Young Doctors, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research will be conducted at the Sanglah Central General Hospital with a descriptive method based on an evaluation containing questions about previously taught topics in online enrichment, which are divided using Google Form media.


This research is descriptive observational, cross sectional