Funding period : 2016- Active


The topic raised in this research proposal is part of the theme of the Research Excellence in Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University and is a priority to be carried out in the 2016 academic year. Based on this background and in line with the implementation of the Research Grant Featured Study Programs organized by the Research Institute and Community Service (LPPM) at Udayana University, we propose a research proposal entitled "Dichotomy of the Meaning of Space in a Public Corridor in Desa Pakraman Kesiman, Denpasar City."

The purpose of this study is to identify and inventory the differences (contradictions) of the meaning of space that occur in public corridors in Desa Pakraman Kesiman. The emergence of conflicting meanings of this space is as a result of the functions that must be accommodated by public corridors in Desa Pakraman Kesiman. In their daily lives, this public corridor will accommodate the routine activities of the community that are profane, while at certain times this corridor must also be a place for sacred ritual activities.

This problem will be examined through a study of three elements of research, namely: (1) a study of the elements forming spatial patterns (spatial) in Desa Pakraman Kesiman; (2) study of elements forming public corridors in Desa Pakraman Kesiman; and (3) study of aspects of the meaning of space in public corridors in Desa Pakraman Kesiman. The elements forming the spatial pattern of Desa Pakraman Kesiman studied included geographic, historical, demographic, religious, socio-cultural, economic, and physical aspects. The study of elements forming public corridors in Desa Pakraman Kesiman consists of types, layouts and functions accommodated. For aspects of the meaning of space in public corridors in Desa Pakraman Kesiman, a study was conducted on the function of corridors for activities that are sacred and profane.

To achieve the goals set, this study was designed using qualitative methods. Data collection through literature studies, field surveys (observations), in depth interviews (in-depth interviews), and documentation. Data analysis was performed qualitatively descriptive which included data editor, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Substantially, the results of the study will be compiled in the final report of the research with an output in the form of scientific publications / manuscripts of articles in national accredited scientific journals.