Effect of Length of Time of Delay in Fish Death and Bleeding Technique of the Quality of White Snapper Fillets

Funding period : 2020- Active


Fish as a food commodity that is very easy to experience the process of damage, even relatively faster compared to other animal products. This situation is exacerbated by the nature of fish that have smooth skin, relatively high fat content and high temperature and humidity conditions in tropical air. Therefore, fish handling measures after leaving their habitat are very influential to the rapid slowing down of metabolism in the body of the fish in the subsequent handling period.

Fish handling techniques and the way fish die are the main factors that affect the rate of biochemical changes in the body of the fish. Fish that are killed instantly at the time of capture will have a slower rate of rigormortis than fish that do not die immediately at the time of capture (trapped thrashed in fishing nets first). This research focuses on efforts to maintain the freshness of the quality of fish on a ship or on land after harvesting in cages where cultivation is conducted. The results obtained through this research are expected to increase practical knowledge for fish businesses regarding how to handle fresh fish after being caught so that fish can be landed, distributed, sold, and consumed while still fresh.

The purpose of this study is to:

(1) determine the effect of the treatment of the time delay of fish death and the technique of blood removal from the body of the fish on the quality of the white snapper fillets

(2) knowing the combination of the treatment of the time delay of fish death and the best blood removal technique from the body of the fish in making white snapper fillets