Funding period : 2020- Active
citrus plant seeds healthy or disease-free CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem
Degeneration) is needed in order to prevent and control disease development in
citrus cultivation in a sustainable manner. The spread of disease through
infected plant seeds is the biggest contributor in spreading CVPD diseases from
one area to another while spreading through vector D. insects. Citri only
transfers from one plant to another at one planting location. Besides that, in
the presence of citrus seedlings the presence of pathogens that cause disease
is very difficult to detect, because the seeds of plants do not show symptoms
of disease. CVPD disease symptoms at all age levels show chlorosis symptoms in
leaf lamina and leaf bone color remains green, while in plants over two years
old leaves become smaller, stiffer, thicker, fruit smaller to the size of a
table tennis ball when compared with healthy plant leaves and eventually the
plants die. The research will be conducted on citrus plantations in Rendang
District and the Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Faculty of
Agriculture, Udayana University, Denpasar. The research aims to make citrus
seedlings free of CVPD disease. Total DNA isolation was carried out to confirm
the presence of pathogens that cause CVPD disease in citrus plants in parent
trees and plant seedlings using the PCR Technique method using a specific
premature of 16S rDNA (f: 0I1 and r: 0I2c) and the results of DNA amplification
were extracted at 1% gel agarse. The results of this study will produce recommendations
for CVPD disease-free citrus seedlings, which are useful for preventing and
controlling CVPD disease early in the planting location.