Funding period : 2020- Active


Plastic waste is the biggest contributor to environmental pollution problems

Indonesia especially in urban areas, the composition of plastic waste in Indonesia is around 15% of the total

waste generation. Waste problems in urban areas are caused by several parameters

which are interrelated, namely population growth, economic growth, consumption patterns

society, population behavior, population density and buildings.

In Bali in order to prevent more plastic waste, the local government of Bali

issued a regulation limiting the use of disposable plastics with the Regulation of the Governor

(Pergub) number 97 of 2018, which is emphasized again by the Denpasar Mayor Regulation

Number 36 of 2018 concerning Reduction of Use of Plastic Bags. This regulation prohibits

all stores both modern and traditional markets, restaurants to food stalls

using disposable plastic bags. Schools also support regulations

this by banning students from carrying food and drinks using plastic once

use. This policy of limiting the use of disposable plastics raises pros and cons

in the community, especially among housewives. Complaints happen a lot because

people are not yet accustomed to replacing disposable plastics with bags for cloth

shopping or for food and drink. Therefore the purpose of this study is:

Describe the response of the public about the policy to limit the use of bags

Plastic; Analyze the effectiveness of regulations against the use of plastic against

the use of plastic bag replacement in the city of Denpasar; and Analyze

how much influence the policy of limiting the use of plastic bags has on

the use of plastic bag replacement in the city of Denpasar.

This research was conducted in Denpasar City with the assumption of Denpasar City, the data in

This research is quantitative and qualitative data obtained from primary sources.

Sampling in this study was conducted by purposive sampling,

with the planned number of respondents being 150 respondents. Variables

used in this study are: Characteristics of Respondents include: age;

level of education; profession; income every month, Denpasar City community response

towards the Policy on the Restrictions on the Use of Plastic Bags, The Attitudes of City Communities

Denpasar against the use of plastic bag replacements, Policy Effectiveness

Limitation on the Use of Plastic Bags, seen based on several indicators, namely: a.

Program understanding; b. Right on target; c. On time; d. Achievement of objectives; e.

Real change. The last variable is public understanding of policy

Restrictions on the Use of Plastic Bags