Determinants of Health Status, Social Security Status and Employment Status Based on the Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Elderly (Study of Rural Elderly in Bali Province) (Competitive Grant Year I)

Funding period : 2014- Deactivate


Objectives Overall, this research is aimed at health status, social security and employment status, with the aim of: to know broadly about the socio-economic background of the elderly; know the model of the health status of the elderly and the factors that influence it; know the model of the elderly social security status and the factors that influence it; and knowing the model of the employment status of the elderly and the factors that influence it.

This research was conducted in 8 districts in Bali Province, with a total sample of 430 elderly people. The sampling technique for each district was randomly selected from 3 villages, then a sample was taken proportionally in each village. The number of samples taken is proportional to the number of elderly people in each village to reach a sample size of 430 elderly. The research variables used in this study are: socio-economic characteristics (age, marital status, education level, income, economic status), elderly health status, social security status, and employment status. The statistical analysis used is descriptive analysis and logistic regression analysis. From the models obtained, it is a reference in the revision of policies regarding the welfare of the elderly.

The socioeconomic background of the elderly is found that most of the elderly have a work status, namely 67.2% and 32.8% not working. According to the presence / absence of social security, most of the elderly (81.2%) do not have social security and the rest have social security, such as pension benefits, old age insurance, elderly social security (JSLU), and other benefits. The health status of the elderly, shows that most of the respondents (63%) have a healthy status, while the remaining 37% stated that they are not healthy.

The model used to describe the relationship between the employment status of the elderly and the socioeconomic characteristics of the elderly is a binary logistic regression model. The test results show that the variables that affect the working status of the elderly are: age, whether there is an old age allowance, and the amount of family income. Model 1 indicates that the increasing age of the elderly and when the elderly have old age benefits, this will reduce their desire to work. The variable of the amount of elderly income shows that an increase in income will increase the desire of the elderly to work. The variables that affect the health status of the elderly are age and family income. Model 2 indicates that increasing age will reduce the health status of the elderly and increasing family income will decrease the respondent's perception of their health status. The variable of the education level of the elderly has a significant effect on the status of old age allowance. Based on model 3 it can be stated that increasing the level of education of the elderly will increase the chances of having old age benefits.