Balinese Cendrawasih Dance Increase Estrogen Level Among Sedentary Women In Denpasar

Funding period : 2020- Active


The hormone estrogen is known to have an important role in the quality of human life. In addition to affecting the sexual and reproductive organs, the hormone estrogen can also affect other organs such as the brain, liver, breast, skin, bones and blood vessels. Thus, changes in estrogen hormone levels in the blood can cause impacts or complaints related to these organs. The hormone estrogen also has a protective effect on conditions of oxidative stress and supports the body's endogenous antioxidant ability. While oxidative stress is much associated with the occurrence of degenerative diseases and other chronic diseases. Along with aging, there is a decrease in estrogen hormone levels, especially when entering the subclinical age phase. Various efforts have been developed to prevent the rapid aging process, as expressed in the concept of anti-aging medicine, so that it is expected to slow down the aging process by preventing the rapid decline in hormonal levels. One of them through physical activity dancing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dancing paradise in increasing the hormone estrogen in sedenter women in Denpasar. This study uses a pretest-posttest control group design. Respondents will be grouped into 2 groups, namely the treatment group (dancing paradise, for 8 weeks, 3 times a week) and the control group (without dancing). Data from the research will be tested for serum estrogen levels, and data analysis will be done with T-paired test to compare the difference between estrogen levels before and after treatment between control and treatment groups, and t-independent tests to compare values ​​after treatment between treatment groups. with a control group. It is hoped that the results of this study will not only be a recommendation for alternative physical activities for the community but also play a role in preserving Balinese local wisdom.