Oxidative Stress Enhances Expression Hypoxya Inducible Factor-1 and Angiogenesis Process in Breast Cancer Metastasis
Funding period : 2020- Active
Breast cancer (carcinoma Mammae) is a cancer that occurs in breast tissue, is the most common cancer in women. Breast cancer is a disease with the highest mortality rate in the world and the cause of death number two after cardiovascular disease. The incidence of breast cancer continues to increase and more is found in higher stage or grade and with metastatic conditions. Metastatic breast cancer is a cancer that grows and develops on other tissues with the same properties and types as the parent cancer. The prevalence of metastatic breast cancer is quite high about 1.5% with a cure rate of approximately 30%. The mechanism of metastatic breast cancer is influenced by many factors, among others: oxidative stress, expression Hypoxia Inducible factor-alpha-1 (HIF-1), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) as well as angiogenesis process. The purpose of this research is to analyse markers related to the increasing metastatic cancer process and can help predict the prognosis of the sufferer. This research is very beneficial to assess the degree of aggressiveness and the risk of metastatic breast cancer. HIF-1 and VEGF are proangiogenesis factors produced by fibroblast cells, endothelial cells and keratinocytes. The study used a case study of controls with a sample count of 60 (30 samples and 30 cases). ELISHA's technique is used to measure oxidative stress levels and HIF-1 while angiogenesis processes can be analyzed using immunohychemical or by measuring VEGF levels. The results of this research are very beneficial to assess the degree of aggressiveness and the risk of metastatic breast cancer and play a role in determining the prognosis and help the management of breast cancer sufferers.