Innovation of Learning English with WebCorp media at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology

Funding period : 2020- Active


Recently, innovation of teaching is an attractive thing for students which is extremely needed for them. The development of technology such as internet should be a positive thing for them with the guidance from their lecturer. If traditional lecturing is only focusing on texts so this could make them feel boring because they have been using technology in their daily life. Creativity is needed in order to make them curious of learning English. This study intend to know deeply about their learning of English at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University.

WebCorp is one of the current developing media since it can collect big data which is known as corpus. This media is used for teaching English in order to motivate students in learning the subject by using the engine searching.  The results can be words or phrases of English. It is used as a method of learning English. Building up curiosity for students who are non-English learners seems to be challenging but believe that the target can be achieved. The implementation of teaching can be used for writing, reading, and speaking skills in English.   

The instruction of use and information is guided by the lecturer for students in learning English with WebCorp. If the chance of learning is used effectively by the students so automatically the teacher’s effort has been also achieved based on the target of lesson planning. Students initiative and activities is the key for to measure its success. Besides, the result of their collection of assignment and observation from the lecturer is the other consideration of using this media as the method of teaching.