Meaning Transfer of Balinese Cultural Terms into French (A Study Case on Tourism Promotion Book of Bali Tourism Goverment Office
Funding period : - Deactivate
The purpose of this study is to analyze the transfer of the meaning of Balinese cultural terms into French contained in the Bali tourism promotion book published by the Bali Provincial Tourism Office. It also aims to determine the level of equivalence and meaningfulness of the language transfer process that occurs. The results of the analysis show that the terms of Balinese culture in this book which covers religious or religious fields, traditions, arts and community organizations, are translated into French through several techniques namely loan techniques, literal techniques, and adaptation techniques. During the transfer process the meaning also occurs in addition of information (addition of information) to explain the term culture of the borrowed source language. In addition, some terms also experience a reduction or loss of meaning (loss of information), and some are not meaningful (skewing of information) caused by a lack of knowledge about a particular culture. In general, the level of equivalence and meaningfulness of the terms of Balinese culture in this book can be accepted or can be understood by the target language readers, but it is still necessary to improve some terms so that the meaning contained in the source language is conveyed well to the target language community.