Journal article

Waist circumference increased risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia through an increase in the level of interleukin-6 and insulin resistance in abdominal obesity patients

Wira Gotera dr. Gede WIra Mahadita I MADE BAKTA A. A. Gde Oka Parwata A A Gede Budhiarta Ida Bagus Putra Manuaba SRI MALIAWAN

Volume : 6 Nomor : 1 Published : 2017, March

Bali Medical Journal


Inflammation in abdominal obesity (Ab-Ob) is associated with insulin resistance condition and hyperinsulinemia. Numerous studies have found that prevalence of prostatic hyperplasia was higher in individuals with central obesity. This study is aimed at testing and verifying whether and to what extent waist circumference (WC), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) increase the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in Ab-Ob. The study design was match-paired case-control. Eighty patients were recruited for this study. Data analysis was done with student t-test, multivariate logistic regression analysis, and path analysis. IL-6 was measured with sandwich enzyme immunoassay with Quantikine Immunoassay Kit (R&D System, Inc. USA), hsCRP was measured with the immunometric assay, and fasting insulin level was measured with Chemiluminescence Immunometric method (Immulite ®2000). From multivariate logistic regression analysis, we found that WC, IL-6, and HOMA-IR increase the risk of BPH significantly with an odds ratio (OR) value of 1.09 (IK = 1.03–1.15), p = 0.005; 1.69 (IK = 1.10–2.58), p = 0.015; and 1.37 (IK = 1.05–1.79), p = 0.021, respectively. Path analysis showed the existence of a significant relationship between WC and BPH (critical ratio [CR] = 2.87, p = 0.004), between WC and IL-6 (CR = 5.9, p < 0.001), and between WC and HOMA-IR (CR = 3.87, p ? 0.001). There was a significant correlation between HOMA-IR and BPH (CR = 2.07, p = 0.039), between IL-6 and BPH (CR = 2.19, p = 0.029), and also an indirect relationship between WC and BPH through the increase of IL-6 and HOMA-IR. We concluded that WC increased the risk of BPH through the increase of IL-6 and HOMA-IR in abdominal obesity patient.