Journal article

Karakteristik Mediasi Perbankan Sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbankan Indonesia (Analisis Aspek Keadilan, Kepastian Hukum dan Kemanfaatan)


Volume : 5 Nomor : 1 Published : 2016, May

Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (udayana Master Law Journal)


There is difficulty in determining the position of mediation institutions as preferred of dispute resolution between the Bank and the Customers when viewed from the side of justice, legal certainty and the expediency that can be produced for the parties. On one side banking mediation has various advantages characteristic, but on the other side there are still many obstacles that must be overcome so that mediation can be applied effectively. Types of research used in this paper included the normative legal research which put the law as a norm building system. This research uses secondary data where all of these data are analyzed using the qualitative methods. The report of this study is presented in a descriptive analysis. From the aspect of justice, banking mediation conducted by Bank Indonesia need to have serious attention because it is not able to be objective that eventually will harm customers. Aspects of Legal Certainty, not maximal to set the authority for impose administrative sanctions to banks that do not comply with the contents of the mediation agreement and its become the main problem, and The Expediency Aspect: not yet known the extent of the banking institutions in community become barrier itself. So to address this dispute, independent mediation banking institutions should be formed by banking associations and Bank Indonesia needs to re-socialization the existence of banking mediation institutions to the public by displaying all of its advantages characteristic. Keywords: Banking Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Aspect of Justice, Aspects of Legal Certainty, Aspects of Expediency