Journal article
Correlation between testosterone level, serum prostate-specific antigen level, and diabetes mellitus with grade inflammation of the proatate
AA. Gde Agung Anom Arie Wiradana Gede Wirya Kusuma Duarsa, Anak Agung Gde Oka Nyoman Golden Kadek Budi Santosa, I Wayan Yudiana, Pande Made Wisnu Tirtayasa, Ida Bagus Putra Pramana
Volume : 13 Nomor : 1 Published : 2019, June
Indonesia Journal of Biomedical Science
ABSTRACT Introduction: Benign Prostate Hyperplasia is the most common degenerative disease in men, characterized by an increase in prostate epithelial and stromal cells, that leads to impairment of urinary flow. The risk factor of BPH was uncertain, some studies showed that reduced testosterone level leads to BPH. Evidence suggests that modifiable factors may influence the risk of BPH, such as diabetes mellitus, PSA level, and inflammation. Pro-inflammatory mediators regulate the proliferation and differentiation of prostate tissue. This study aimed to determine correlation between testosterone level, PSA level, and blood glucose and grade inflammation of prostate. Methods: An analytic cross sectional study was done in 72 BPH patients of Sanglah Hospital Urology clinic. All samples underwent PSA level, testosterone, blood glucose measurement before transurethral resection of the prostate procedure. The grade inflammation of prostate was then determined by pathologist. All data obtained were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis using SPSS version 20.0 statistical software. Results: Seventy-two samples included in this study with age range from 50 to 84 years old. Grade inflammation of prostate was significantly correlated with PSA level with p-value 0,006 and prevalence ratio (PR) 2 with 95% CI (1.129-3.544). Testosterone level was not significantly correlated with grade inflammation of prostate (PR 1.233; 95% CI: 0.804-1.891; p=0.334). Blood glucose level and grade inflammation of prostate showed PR 1.943 with 95% CI (1.542- 2.447) with p-value 0.058, but after multivariate analysis the p-value was 0.022. Conclusion: Grade inflammation of prostate was significantly correlated with blood glucose level and serum PSA level. Keywords: BPH, grade inflammation prostate, PSA, testosterone, diabetes mellitus Cite This Article: Wiradana, A.A.G.A.A.A., Duarsa, G.W.K., Oka, A.A.G., Golden, N., Santosa, K.B., Yudiana, W., Tirtayasa, P.M.W., Pramana, I.B.P. 2019. Correlation between testosterone level, serum prostate-specific antigen level, and diabetes mellitus with grade inflammation of the prostate. IJBS 13(1): 42-47. DOI:10.15562/ijbs.v13i1.179