Journal article

The effectiveness of exercise on the go program to nursing students physical fitness and quality of life in Bali

Made Rini Damayanti S Putu Gede Sudira Ni Putu Giri Karmany Ketut Natali Kristianingsih

Volume : 30 Nomor : 0 Published : 2019, September

Enfermeria Clinica


This study aims to evaluate the effect of exercise on the go program on physical fit-ness and quality of life among nursing students in Bali. The study employed a quasi-experimentaldesign using purposive sampling technique on 59 nursing students in a government university inBali, Indonesia. Exercise on the go program was a four-week-in-class static stretching exercisegiven three times a week consisted of eight main movements combined with individual bookletdissemination and an online chat group-based reminder program. Data were collected beforeand after the exercise on the go program using goniometer and Sit and Reach Test (SRT) box formeasuring flexibility (physical fitness) and The World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF(WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire to identify the subjects’ quality of life (QoL). There were signifi-cant differences at the flexibility level of the neck (8.10?), shoulder (4.07?), elbows (3.14?), andknees (6.87?) before and after the intervention (p < 0.05). This study also found that there weresignificant differences in the mean score in the physical domain (0.74), environment domain(0.87), and the QoL total score (4.44) (p < 0.05) before and after the intervention. Exercise onthe go program was found to be effective in improving nursing students’ physical fitness andquality of life. This program is suitable for the needs and characteristics of the target partici-pants that focus on the individual’s behavioral changes as well as modifies the environmentaland social aspects of nursing students.