Journal article

Penilaian Pelayanan Kefarmasian Program Rujuk Balik Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Kotamadya Denpasar Bersadarkan Sudut Pandang Pasien

Gelgel Wirasuta Ni Made Ayu Wistari Diah Ayu Nirmala Kosasih Maria Fiani Cahyadi Ni Putu Latsartika Sari Ni Made Rai Sudarni MADE ARY SARASMITA Luh Putu Febryana Larasanty

Volume : 8 Nomor : 1 Published : 2016, January

Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia


The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of pharmaceutical care in pharmacies from patient’s point of view. The questioner assessment based on expectations, perceptions and level of satisfaction of patients. The questions were grouped into universal pharmaceutical care aspect, infrastructure and medicine management, drug auditing practice and dispensary waiting time, dispensing practice, drug information and drug counseling, and drug monitoring. The patients have a very high expectation of the pharmaceutical care in aspects of universal pharmaceutical care, infrastructure and medicine management, drug auditing practice and dispensary waiting time, and dispensing practice. The patients expressed a high expectation of drug information and counseling care, and a medium expectation in the drug monitoring. The patients have very high perception only at universal pharmaceutical care along with the infrastructure and medicine management aspects, while the drug auditing practice and dispensary waiting time along with dispensing practice aspects have medium perception. The drug information and counseling care along with drug monitoring aspects have poor perception. The comprehensive assessment showed that patient satisfaction levels were low on pharmaceutical care on community practice. The high expectation of patients to pharmaceutical care was a challenge to pharmacist to improve their role in better patient care.