Journal article
Fever and laboratory profiles as predictors of serious bacterial infection in children
Bagus Ngurah Putu Arhana, Ni Pt. Veny Kartika Yantie
Volume : 52 Nomor : 6 Published : 2012, November
Paediatrica Indonesiana
Abstract Background There is a debate on the use of high fever with other morbidities to predict serious bacterial infection (SBI). Bacterial LQIHFWLRQ RFFXUV LQ RI FKLOGUHQ ZLWKIHYHU RI? ?& Various laboratory parameters including increased C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, leukocyte counts, and absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) have been studied for their usefulness in predicting the occurrence of SBI, but with varied results. The ability to discriminate whether a patient has a SBI can lead to improved patient management. Objective 7R HYDOXDWHIHYHU RI? ?& OHXNRF\WH FRXQWV RI ?PP$1&RI?PPDQG&53RI?PJ/DV SUHGLFWRUVRI6%,LQFKLOGUHQDJHGPRQWK\HDUV Methods A case-controlled study was conducted by collecting data from medical records at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. Subjects in the case group were diagnosed with SBIs (bacterial meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, bacteremia or sepsis, urinary tract infections, or bacterial gastroenteritis), and subjects in the control group non serious bacterial infections (non-SBI). Data was analyzed using ELYDULDWHDQGPXOWLYDULDWHPHWKRGVZLWKFRQILGHQFHLQWHUYDOV DQGDVWDWLVWLFDOVLJQLILFDQFHYDOXHRI3 Results Sixty subjects were VWXGLHGZLWKVXEMHFWVLQWKHFDVH JURXS DQG LQ WKH FRQWURO JURXS. Baseline characteristics of VXEMHFWVZHUHVLPLODUEHWZHHQWKHWZRJURXSV)HYHUDQG&53ZHUH SUHGLFWRUVRI6%,>25&,WR3 DQG 25&,WR3 UHVSHFWLYHO\@ Conclusion )HYHU??&DQG&53?PJ/ZHUHVLJQLILFDQW predictors of serious bacterial infections in children. [Paediatr Indones. 2012;52:313-6]. Keywords: serious bacterial infection, fever, leukocytes, neutrophil, C-reactive protein, children )URP WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI&KLOG +HDOWK 8GD\DQD 8QLYHUVLW\0HGLFDO School, Sanglah Hospital, Bali, and Gadjah Mad