Journal article
Rancang Bangun Pemandu Tuna Netra Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik Berbasis Mikrokontroler
Muhammad Namiruddin AlHasan Cokorde Gede Indra Partha, Yoga Divayana
Volume : 16 Nomor : 3 Published : 2017, September
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro
Abstract — People with eye-disabilty have limited physical condition and make them using a stick as a tool guide for daily activities. Technology help people with eye-disabilty replace stick with tool guide using ultrasonic sensors to move more freely. Ultrasonic sensor works by using ultrasonic waves as a transmitter and calculate the distance using diffrence time lapse. Sensitivity of this sensor is from 2 cm to 200 cm. Microcontoroller Arduino UNO can be used as data processing and vibrating motors as output. Tool guide for blind people use the belt as the main design. Sensors placed on the left side, front, and right belt to detect objects in front of sensors. Vibrating motors placed at the side of the sensor to provide vibration when the ultrasonic sensors active. Tool guides for blind people have specialized in detecting obstacle 30 cm in the left belt, 150 cm in front of the belt, 30 cm in right belt 30 cm, and 120 cm – 125 cm under the belt.