Journal article

Notification Features on Android-Based Job Vacancy Information System

Ketut Arif Suidiantara I Nyoman Piarsa Dwi Putra Githa

Volume : 8 Nomor : 11 Published : 2019, November

International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research


Abstract: Job vacancy is an information created by a company that contains certain requirements. There are many job vacancies that are published by the company. However, the range in delivering and spreading their information is still limited. Therefore, it is very hard to discover this information. Submission of job applications is generally still in the conventional way, which is by printing the application, then coming to the company to submit it. This job application process becomes an obstacle for job applicants because they have to pay more for transportation and printing cost. Another obstacle is the difficulty in getting information about the status of their applications that have been submitted. An Android-based job application is developed in the Android platform to overcome the problems related to the job vacancy. The implementation process utilizes Web Service, Firebase System, PhpMyAdmin, and Android smartphones. This Android-based job information system with the notification features is a solution to improve the quality of service and spread job vacancy information from a company. Furthermore, it also can help the applicants in sending applications at the intended company. Keywords: information system; notification; job vacancy; android; firebase.