Journal article

A review of multi-objective optimization Methods and its applications


Volume : 5 Nomor : 0 Published : 2018, July

Cogent Engineering


Several reviews have been made regarding the methods and application of multi-objective optimization (MOO). There are two methods of MOO that do not require complicated mathematical equations, so the problem becomes simple. These two methods are the Pareto and scalarization. In the Pareto method, there is a dominated solution and a non-dominated solution obtained by a continuously updated algorithm. Meanwhile, the scalarization method creates multi-objective functions made into a single solution using weights. There are three types of weights in scalarization which are equal weights, rank order centroid weights, and rank-sum weights. Next, the solution using the Pareto method is a performance indicators component that forms MOO a separate and produces a compromise solution and can be displayed in the form of Pareto optimal front, while the solution using the scalarization method is a performance indicators component that forms a scalar function which is incorporated in the fitness function.