Journal article

Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dalam Reformasi Birokrasi pada Bidang Pendidikan

Anak Agung Made Dian Krisnandari Dewa Made Wiharta Nyoman Putra Sastra

Volume : 18 Nomor : 2 Published : 2019, May

Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro


Abstract—Udayana University has carried out bureaucratic reform in implementing its services using IMISSU. The evaluation of public services in implementing bureaucratic reform has not been carried out to the maximum. Given these problems, this research was conducted to identify and provide appropriate recommendations for the bureaucracy, as user of service system at IMISSU, especially in the Academic Bureau using the COBIT 5 framework, focusing on the MEA (Monitor, Evaluate and Assess) domain. This research was performed by distributing questionnaires within the Rectorate of Udayana University in the BAKH service bureau. The selected respondents were all academics of IMISSU users. Questionnaires that have been distributed are then grouped and get results in the form of the average capability value of each MEA domain, namely: MEA01 is 3.68; MEA02 is worth 3.58 and MEA03 is worth 3.60. Existing capability levels that have been obtained in each MEA domain are included in the 3-Established Process level. The target level to be achieved is the 4-Predictable Process level, so recommendations can be given to achieve the desired target level by increasing the performance of each process in the MEA domain. Questionnaire analysis that has been obtained is used as a guideline for recommendations to improve performance in each system that is used to support optimal services so as to realize bureaucratic reform in the Udayana University academic service bureau.