Journal article

An Economic Analysis of the South-North Bali Connection Railway Plan in The Acceleration of Economic Equality Development in Bali, Indonesia


Volume : 4 Nomor : 3 Published : 2019, March

European Journal of Engineering Research and Science (EJERS)


At present the economic development in the province of Bali between South and North Bali is very significant. This condition is presumed to be the transportation infrastructure for the connecting road of South Bali - the existing aiIDRort is not optimal. The alternative transportation infrastructure studied is the plan to build a railway line across South-North Bali. Mengwitani-Singaraja link road is required to be capable to provide more optimal accessibility so that there is an even distribution of economic growth.he indicators used in the feasibility analysis of economic aspects are net present value (NPV), benefit cost ratio (BCR) and economic internal rate of ruturn (EIRR) The price component is used by the shadowprice method. Costs calculated according to the life cycle cost of the project development. Benefits calculated include direct benefits in the form of passenger ticket income and indirect costs in the form of cost savings for existing road users, a multiplier effect, an increase in tourist visits to northern Bali. Economic analysis indicates that the planned North-North Bali railway line is worth proceeding, this is shown by the NPV indicator of IDR 860 billion, BCR of 1.11 and EIRR of 13.11% greater than the 12% price reduction rate. Although it shows that there is feasibility of economic studies, a strategy is needed to produce financial feasibility so that it can be offered in cooperation between government and business entities (PPP) in order to accelerate its development.