Journal article

Pertumbuhan Alometri Dimensi Panjang dan Lingkar Tubuh Sapi Bali Jantan

I Putu Sampurna I KETUT SUATHA

Volume : 11 Nomor : 1 Published : 2010, March

Jurnal Veteriner


Research was conducted at Bukit Jimbaran, Badung Bali from September to October 2007 to investigate the lenght and circular body dimension of Bali cattle. Ten young male bali cattle 0.5-1.5 year old were measured for three times at 2 weeks interval. Collected data was analysed with regretion-corelation by allometric growth lines Y = aXb. F test and coeficient-correlation was then used to chek the validity and acurate models. Result showed that the lenght head, neck, body anterior and posterior had medium potential growth. Circular neck anterior grew early with a high potential. The circular neck posterior growth potential was medium, where as circular thorax and abdomen was law poitential growth.