Journal article
Pengaruh Kredibilitas Public Relations terhadap Niat Berinvestasi Pasar Modal yang Dimediasi oleh Sikap Calon Investor
Yohan Hardy Chandra NI MADE ASTI AKSARI
Volume : 5 Nomor : 12 Published : 2016, January
E- Journal Manajemen Unud
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kredibilitas public relations terhadap niat berinvestasi pasar modal yang dimediasi oleh sikap calon investor. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Kantor Perwakilan Denpasar, yang merupakan lembaga berwenang untuk mengatur dan mengawasi kegiatan investasi pasar modal di Bali. Responden dalam penelitian berjumlah 140 responden yang ditentukan dengan metode purposive sampling dan data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis jalur untuk mencari hubungan kausalitas antar variabel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap calon investor memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam memediasi pengaruh kredibilitas public relations Bursa Efek Indonesia (Kantor Perwakilan Denpasar) terhadap niat berinvestasi pasar modal di Bali. Bursa Efek Indonesia Kantor Perwakilan Denpasar diharapkan dapat terus meningkatkan kompetensinya dalam memberikan pemahaman kepada calon investor mengenai keuntungan dari investasi pasar modal melalui berbagai penyelenggaraan kegiatan edukasi pasar modal. Kata kunci: kredibilitas, public relations, sikap, niat berinvestasi, pasar modal ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the effect of public relations credibility on the intention to invest in the capital market, mediated by the attitude of potential investors. This research was conducted in the Indonesia Stock Exchange at their Denpasar Representative Office, an institution authorised to regulate and supervise the activities of the capital market investment in Bali. The number of respondents in this study is 140 which was determined by purposive sampling method, and data were collected through questionnaires. This study used path analysis to search for causal relationships between variables. The result of this study indicates that, as a mediator, potential investors attitude have a positive and significant effect on the influence of public relations credibility towards intention to invest in the capital market in Bali. Indonesia Stock Exchange Denpasar Representative Office is expected to constantly improve their competence in providing understanding to potential investors about the benefits of capital market investment through various capital market education activities. Keywords: credibility, public relations, attitude, intentions to invest, capital markets