Journal article

The Effect of Community Participation and Village Apparatus Performance on Effectiveness of Village Funds Utilization in Buleleng Regency

I Putu Gede Diatmika Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja

Volume : 10 Nomor : 2 Published : 2029, April

IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)


Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of community participation and the influence of the performance of village officials on the effectiveness of the use of village funds in Buleleng Regency, that the fact that the collaboration between community participation is supported by the performance of village officials in the administration of village government is good enough. The village government always prioritizes deliberation and provides information to the community, so the program can be implemented properly. The program for utilizing village funds, for example in terms of services to the community, office administration, development, government and village development as well as in the welfare of village communities. Collaboration from the village apparatus is a manifestation of the concern of each village apparatus to the community as a support so that the work provided can be carried out in accordance with established regulations. However, community participation and the performance of village officials in the village of Buleleng Tukad Mungga still need to be improved so that the use of village funds can be more effective and efficient, especially those that need to be considered are improving the quality of human resources both village apparatus and village communities, both in creativity, technical management , preparation of planning, implementation of activities and objectives to be achieved is really as expected. Keywords: effectiveness, participation, performance, village apparatus, village funds