Journal article
The effect of locus of control, security perception and attitudes on the interest of using the BRImo application
I Putu Arya Jaka Cakra Sukerta Gede Juliarsa
Volume : 5 Nomor : 1 Published : 2021, January
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR)
This study aims to explain three factors, namely the influence of the locus of control variable, security perceptions, and attitudes towards the interest in using the Brimo application at the Denpasar Renon branch of BRI Bank. This research is in the form of an associative causal relationship which was conducted in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. The sample was obtained as many as 100 respondents through offline questionnaire distribution using random sampling techniques in determining the research sample taken from customers using the Brimo application at BRI Denpasar Renon Branch. The research instrument was processed using the Validity and Reliability Test. The research data that has gone through the Classical Assumption Test are then processed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis in the form of Multiple Linear Regression to answer the research hypothesis. The results show that simultaneously the independent variable is able to explain the dependent variable by 67.90 percent. Partially locus of control, security perceptions, and attitudes each have a positive and significant effect on the interest in using the Brimo application at the Denpasar Renon branch of BRI Bank. The better the locus of control, the more interest in using the Brimo application will increase. The better the perception of security, the more interest in using the Brimo application will increase. The better the attitude the customer has, the more interest in using the Brimo application will increase.