Journal article
Ni Kadek Sri Widyantari Gede Suparna
Volume : 5 Nomor : 5 Published : 2016, May
E- Journal Manajemen Unud
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk yaitu menjelaskan pengaruh citra merek dan tingkat pendidikan terhadap preferensi merek, dan peran tingkat pendidikan memoderasi citra merek dengan preferensi merek produk lampu Philips LED. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling, khususnya purposive sampling. Ukuran sampel sebanyak 100 responden dengan metode survey menggunakan kuesioner diukur dengan skala likert, teknik analisis menggunakan Regresi Linear Berganda dan MRA (Moderated Regression Analysis). Secara simultan ketiga variabel (citra merek, tingkat pendidikan, dan interaksi citra merek dengan tingkat pendidikan) berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap preferensi merek produk lampu Philips LED. Secara parsial, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa citra merek berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap preferensi merek, sedangkan tingkat pendidikan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap preferensi merek. Tingkat pendidikan tidak memoderasi hubungan antara citra merek dengan preferensi merek. Kata Kunci: tingkat pendidikan, citra merek, preferensi merek ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is explain the effect of brand image and education level on brand preference, and explain the role of education level in moderating the influence brand image on the brand preference Philips LED lighting products. The sample was determined by using a non-probability sampling techniques, particularly purposive sampling. The sample size of 100 respondents to the survey method using a questionnaire measured with Likert scale, using analytical techniques Multiple Linear Regression and MRA (Moderated Regression Analysis). Simultaneously three variables (brand image, level of education, and interaction with the brand image of education level) significant and positive impact on brand preference Philips LED lighting products. Partially, the results showed that the brand image of the significant and positive impact on brand preference, while the level of education does not significantly influence brand preference. The level of education does not moderate the relationship between brand image with brand preference. Keywords: education level, brand image, brand preference