Journal article
Peran Kepercayaan Dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Niat Beli
Ni Putu Sukma Nirmala Sari Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa I Nyoman Nurcaya
Volume : 5 Nomor : 1 Published : 2015, March
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen
Perception of a consumer sees lighting products with a low level of risk need to be considered by marketers. Reduce the perception of risk for products that are environmentally friendly lighting can improve consumer confidence. Trust will affect how consumers intend to purchase a product based on the expected performance. Companies that have lighting product that are safe and environmentally friendly lighting products brand Philips. Purpose of this study was to determine the role of trust in mediating influence of risk perception of purchase intentions. Research conducted on consumers in the city of denpasar who know and have never bought brand Philips LED lighting products premises number of respondents who used were 108 people. Data analysis techniques applied are sobel analysis which proves that the negative effect of risk perception and significance of trust and purchase,as well as the trust is able to mediate significant on purchase intention of environmentally friendly products brand Philips led lights in the city of Denpasar. Keywords- perceived risk, trust, purchase intention