Journal article
Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata MInat Khusus di Kawasan Pariwisata Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli
Volume : 5 Nomor : 1 Published : 2015, June
Jurnal Perhotelan Dan Pariwisata
This study discusses and examines the strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats to formulate strategies and programs of special interest tourism development in the Area Tourism Kintamani. This study used quantitative and qualitative approach. Data collected by observation techniques, in-depth interviews among bureaucrats, academics, tourism bussinesses and community leaders, which is analyzed by SWOT method and analysis of IE (internal External), Local people especially vendors are advised not to disturb tourism, the boat driver to always imrove the quality of services to tourism, local goverments are advised to make regulation related to the presence of trucks transporting sand and lava's stone in the use of road access. Travel Berau parties are advised to aktively create special interest tour packages (alternative tourism) and promote it by online and offline technological advances. Key words : Strategi, Development Program, Alternative tourism