Journal article

Publikasi ilmiah , judul : Pertumbuhan planlet anggrek vanda tricolor lind secara in vitrodengan penambahan bubur ubi kayu pada media MS

Volume : 4 Nomor : 2 Published : 2014, November



Growth of plantledets ofvanda tricolor orchid in vitro on the cassava pulp enriched MS medium. Addition of organic mtter into the culture medium commonly used for increasing the soursce of sugar, vitamins and amino acids. The aimof thisstudy wasto determine the effect of thecassava pilp on the growth of vanda trincolor planlet, and to investigate appropriate dose for the optimal growth of planlets. The experiment utilized a Randomized Completely Design with siux teratments 1.e. UO (MS medium without any organic matter) , UI(MS medium + 35 g/l cassava pulp), U2 (MSmedium +40g/l cassava pulp), U3(MSmedium+ 45g/l cassava pulp) with five replicated. The result showedthat addition of cassavapulp significanltyincreased number of leaf, umber of root and dry weight of planltlets. The highest numberof root (i.e..5.8)wasobtained with addition of 50g/l cassava pulp.while the highest dry weight og plantlet (i.e.0.28g) was on addition of 55g/lcassava pulp.