Journal article

Molecular test and the direct use of Mur red Laru as yeast in bread making

Regina I.M. BanoEt I Made Sudana GUSTI NGURAH ALIT SUSANTA WIRYA A.I. Medah Mesry Manafe

Volume : 25 Nomor : 8 Published : 2019, May

Ecology, Environment and Conservation


ABSTRACT The process of fermenting local drinks in East Nusa Tenggara from lontar juice such as white laru and red laru has deposits called in the local language mur. The uses of mur as local yeast have not been carried out The aims of this study were first; to get a molecular identification of Sacharomyces cereviceae mur of red laru collected from production houses in Kupang District and Municipal of Kupang. Second; to carried out the direct use test of mur of red laru as yeast in bread making. Molecular identification was done in several stages such as follow: 1. Genomic DNA extraction using Quick-DNA ™ Fungal/Bacterial Miniprep Kit (Zymo Research, D6005); 2. PCR amplification using my Taq HS Red Mix (Bioline, BIO-25047); 3. The PCR product purification using DNA Clean and Concentrator (Zymo Research, D4003); 4.A bidirectional Sequencing to run the tests. The direct use of mur of red laru then being tested as a substitute for yeast. The mur was then taken using a plastic spoon, put in a jar, leave it for 1 hour until it settles, remove the liquid until the only one remaining is the mur slurry, wash the myrrh sediment with cold cooking water (ratio of 1: 2); the mur then rinsed 5 times until there is no the sour flavour left in the yeast substitute. The results showed that molecular identification of mur of red laru from Sikumana production houses in Kupang City has a 99% - 100% similarity to Sacharomyces cereviceae based on 10 Hit BLAST results against NCBI in the gene bank database. Then mur of the red larufrom the Sikumana production house was directly used as yeast in bread making. Characteristics of bread as follow: moisture content (25,757%), development volume (14,927%). The scale of organoleptic test: color (3,711) with hedonic scale really like, flavor (3,822) hedonic scale really like, taste (3,756) hedonic scale is very like and texture (3,844) hedonic scales really