Journal article

Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Sumber Daya Genetik Buah-Buahan Lokal di Kabupaten Bangli

Ni Luh Martini RINDANG DWIYANI Ni Luh Made Pradnyawathi

Volume : 5 Nomor : 2 Published : 2015, November

Agrotrop Journal on Agriculture Science


Identification and Characterization of Genetic Resources of Local Fruits in Bangli Regency. Local fruits are defined as all kinds of fruits that are cultivated in Bali. The objective of the research was to identify the types of local fruits grown in Bangli Regency Bangli Regency consists of four districts i.e Bangli, Susut, Kintamani, and Tembuku. The experiment was conducted from January to June 2015. The research was done through these activities: (1) collection of secondary data, (2) survey to find out the types of fruits and their distribution, (3) identification of morphological and agronomic characters of the fruits, their growing environment and benefit. The results showed that there were 36 species and 68 sub-species of local fruits grown in Bangli Regency. Citrus and banana were the main commodities of Bangli Regency based on the value of Location Quotient (LQ). Citrus was mostly grown at Awan village, while banana was at Subaya village, both are located in District of Bangli. Keywords: Identification, Characterization, Genetic resources, Local Fruits.