Journal article

Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Beberapa Komoditas Tanaman Hortikultura dan Perkebunan di Kawasan Agrowisata Desa Kerta Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar

Reza Adelia I Nyoman Dibia I MADE MEGA

Volume : 5 Nomor : 4 Published : 2016, October



Judging from their natural conditions Kerta Subdistrict potensial in developing horticultural crops (pineapple, banana, orange, and bark) and plantation (robusta coffee). The purpose of this study are: (1) determine the suitable of land several commodities (pineapple, banana, orange, and bark) and plantation rousta coffee; (2) determine the limiting factor horticultural commodities and plantation robusta coffee; (3) create a map of the land suitability of horticultural commodities and plantation robusta coffee. This study uses a survey of the land suitability evaluation by Djaenudin and others (2003). Based on the results of delineation, there are 6 uits homogeneous land. Actual land suitability horticultural commodities (pineapple, banana, orane and bark) ranged from S2, S3, and N. While the suitability of potensial land to plant pineapple, orange, and the bark is on land units IVHPKc, VHPKc, IVHPTg, VHPTg is S1 and to plat banana on land is S2. On land unit VIHPKc and VIHPTg for banana plant belonging to N by limiting factor the slope. For robusta coffe classified as S1 on all land units except on land VIHPKc and VIHPTg.