Journal article

The Potential Use of Bali Wastewater for Crop Production Based on Moscow Region Experience

I Wayan Budiasa I Gusti Ngurah Santosa I NYOMAN SUNARTA I KETUT SUADA I NYOMAN RAI Anak Agung Istri Ratna Dewi V. Dias S. Moyzhes Nataliya Shchegolkova

Volume : 45 Nomor : 1 Published : 2018, January



Abstract?The article offers a new approach to the selection of a treatment plant, based on the optimization of biogeochemical matter flows. The existing treatment facilities of Bali are analyzed. The authors propose several process schemes for domestic wastewater treatment, depending on the technology of utilization of biogenic elements from the wastewater for agricultural production. These are based on water treatment technologies that have been in use in Moscow for more than 100 years. Keywords: domestic wastewater treatment, biogenic elements, agricultural production, new factors of water pollution, measures to reduce negative impact