Journal article


OKA RATNAYANI Putu Elvira Yulianthi I Nengah Wirajana

Volume : 9 Nomor : 1 Published : 2021, November

Cakra Kimia (Indonesian E-Journal of Applied Chemistry)


ABSTRAK: Penggunaan selulase yang semakin meningkat telah mendorong berbagai studi tentangeksplorasi, pemurnian, dan amobilisasi selulase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk fraksinasi ekstrak kasar selulase yang diperoleh dari mikroba selulolitik serta amobilisasinyapada agar-agar komersial. Produksi selulase dari mikroba selulolitik U3.1dilakukan pada media yang mengandung substrat spesifik yaitu Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Ekstrak kasar selulase dimurnikandengan metode fraksinasi amonium sulfat dan dialisis. Ekstrak kasar selulase dan selulase murni diamobilisasi pada matrik agar-agar. Aktivitas selulase ditentukan berdasarkan analisis gula pereduksi yang dihasilkan dari reaksi enzimatis dengan reagen DNS. Kadar protein total diukurdengan metode Biuret. Aktivitas spesifik ekstrak kasar selulase dan selulase murni diperoleh berdasarkan rasioantara aktivitas selulase dengan kadar protein total tiap fraksi selulase. Fraksi 2 (selulase yang dimurnikan dengangaram amonium sulfat dengan tingkat kejenuhan 20-40%)memiliki aktivitas spesifik selulasetertinggi sebesar 3,3977 x 10-3 U/?g,dengan tingkat kemurnian 21,0317 kali dibandingkan ekstrak kasar selulase. Konsentrasi agar-agar optimum untuk amobilisasi ekstrak kasar selulase dan selulase murni adalah masing-masing 2%(b/v) dan3% (b/v) dengan efisiensi amobil sebesar 13,99% dan51,26%. Kata kunci: selulase, fraksinasi, amobilisasi, agar-agar komersial. ABSTRACT: The increasing use of cellulasehas encouraged various studies on exploration, purification and immobilization of the enzyme. This study aimedto fractionate the crude extract of cellulaseobtained from cellulolytic microbe as well as immobilize itintocommercial agar. The cellulase production from cellulolytic microbe U3.1was carried out onthe media containing a specific substrate ofCarboxymethyl cellulose(CMC).The crude extract of cellulase was purified by fractionation of ammonium sulfate and dialysis.The crude extract and the pure cellulase were immobilized into the agar matrix. Cellulase activity was determined based onthe analysis ofreducing sugars produced byenzymatic reaction with DNS reagent. The total protein content was measured by using the Biuret method. The specific activity of the crude extract and the pure cellulase was obtained from the ratio of the cellulase activity to the total protein of each fraction.Fraction 2(cellulasepurified with 20-40% saturation of ammonium sulfate)hadthe highest specific activity of 3.3977 x 10-3U/?g withthe purity level increased by 21.0317 times compared to the crude extract of cellulase. The optimum agar concentration for immobilization of the crude extractand the purecellulasewas2% (b/v) and 3% (b/v) with the immobilizationefficiency of13.99%and 51.26%, respectively. Keywords: cellulase, fractionation, immobilization, commercial agar.