Journal article

Manufacture of Low Temperature Measuring Instrument Based on ATmega328 Microcontroller Using PT-100 RTD Temperature Sensor

Bhakti Hardian Yusuf I MADE SATRIYA WIBAWA I Ketut Putra

Volume : 21 Nomor : 1 Published : 2020, February



Abstract – A low-temperature measuring device 77–300 K based on the ATmega328 microcontroller has been successfully made using the PT-100 RTD temperature sensor. The measurements data are displayed on the 2x16 LCD. The t-test statistical showed that the value of 4.36 K by the made instrument significantly different from the standard instrument. To get accurate data with the standard instruments, the made instrument should be standardized using the calibration equation y = 0.9893x - 1.5990 K where x is the measurement data obtained by the made instrument. Keywords: Temperature measuring devices, RTD PT-100 Sensor, Atmega328 Microcontroller, LCD 2x16, t-test.