Journal article

Infus Information System Design with SMS Based on Microcontroller Atmega328

I WAYAN SUPARDI Nyoman Wendri I MADE SATRIYA WIBAWA Ferdiandanu Hakim Hadi Apriadi

Volume : 11 Nomor : 9 Published : 2019, August

Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems - JARDCS


Abstract---Along with the development of Electronic and Information Technology, it also affects people's life behaviors, such as the development of increasingly sophisticated medical science and automation that makes it easy to get information and deal with various illnesses experienced by patients. An increasingly sophisticated medical device can help doctors diagnose and take appropriate and efficient actions. So in this study can be made and designed a tool that is able to provide infusion information on patients whether run out, does not flow properly, or is jammed via SMS messages to nurses who menagani. A device made using a load cell as a sensor, an ADC that functions to convert analog voltages into digital voltages, a series of ATMega328 systems, SIM800L Modules, SIM Cards and Mobile. The response flow starts from a load cell circuit that converts the infusion weight into a voltage, the voltage generated by the load cell sensor is an analog voltage, then the voltage generated by the laod cell sensor is forwarded to the ADC, the ADC will convert the analog signal in the form of voltage to digital data. The digital data obtained is then sent to the ATMega328 microcontroller for further processing. The results obtained will be compared with the results of the conversion sent to the Hanphone (HP) that is hammering SIM800L. the information sent is in the form of SMS with the message "INFUSE OUT" if the remaining infusion is less than 10 grams, the message "INFUSE DOES NOT FLOW" if the infusion does not decrease within 5 seconds. Keywords--- Sensor, SMS, Load Cell, Mikrokontroler, Handphone.