Journal article

Determination model of carcinoma and benign types using physical quantities of the ca mammae mammography

Anak Agung Ngurah Gunawan I Nyoman Widana

Volume : 22 Nomor : 7 Published : 2015, July



The article had been built the model to determine the carcinoma and benign types. Potentially, the physical quantities could be differ of each them. The biopsy methods had developed in classifying the both carcinoma and benign types. In this research, the probability of gray-level pairs on certain distance are derived from the mathematical model of the mammography physical quantities are used. In the previous research, determination of infiltrating ductal carcinoma and infiltrating lobuler carcinomahistopathology types, breast cancer stadium, health level of contra lateral,andreadability increasing x-ray mammography images on histopathology types determination on breast cancer using special patern cropping are succeeded. In this research, the mathematical model of the mammography physical quantities is succeeded to determine the carcinoma and benign histopathology types. The model had been proposed for testing 120 the new patients mammogram at Dokter Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. The research results showed the physical quantities could be predict the carcinoma and benign histopathology types in 86,67 %sensitivity for 2 x 2 cm sample sized and ? = 5 %.