Journal article


Witarja, I. M. L. E. I Nyoman Ardika Desak Putu Mas Ari Candrawati

Volume : 8 Nomor : 1 Published : 2020, March

e-Jurnal Peternakan Tropika


Witarja, I. M. L. E., I. N. Ardika., D. P. M. A. Candrawati PS. Peternakan, Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Udayana, Jl. P.B. Sudirman, Denpasar E-mail: - Telp: 087861346710 ABSTRAK Studi ini dilakukan di Balai Inseminasi Buatan Daerah Baturiti. Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui kualitas semen segar dan produksi semen beku sapi Balidi UPT BIBD Baturiti. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah catatan produksi semen yang terdiri dari kualitas semen segar dan jumlah straw semen beku dari 9 ekor sapi Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknis survey, wawancara, dan on the job training, dan diperoleh melalui catatan hasil penampungan semen segar pada bangsa sapi bali selama bulan Oktober 2019 di Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Balai Inseminasi Buatan Daerah (BIBD) Baturiti.Variabel yang diamati meliputi volume semen, warna, persentase motilitas individu, konsentrasi spermatozoa, dan jumlah produksi semen beku. Hasil PKM menunjukkan bahwa rataan kualitas semen segar sapi bali di UPT BIBD Baturiti pada bulan Oktober 2019 yang terdiri atas volume semen yaitu 6,01 ml, warna yaitu krem, persentase motilitas individu yaitu 70%, dan konsentrasi spermatozoa yaitu 1.072 juta/ml. Simpulan dari PKM ini bahwa secara umum kualitas dan kuantitas semen segar sapi bali di UPT BIBD Baturiti meliputi volume semen, warna, persentase motilitas individu, konsentrasi spermatozoa sesuai dengan standar. Kata kunci: karakteristik semen, spermatozoa, semen segar, sapi bali pejantan Kata kunci: semen beku, motilitas, konsentrasi, volume semen, sapi bali QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF FRESH SEMEN OF BALI BULL AT BATURITI INSEMINATION CENTER ABSTRACT This study was conducted at the Baturiti Artificial Insemination Center. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of fresh semen and frozen semen production of Bali Bull at UPT BIBD Baturiti. The material used in this study is the record of semen production consisting of the quality of fresh semen and the amount of frozen semen straw from 9 Bali cattle. The method used was a technical survey, interview, and on the job training, and was obtained through the record of the collection of fresh semen in the Balinese Bull during October 2019 in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Artificial Insemination Center Baturiti. Variables observed included semen volume, color, percentage of individual motility, spermatozoa concentration, and amount of frozen semen production. PKM results indicate that the average quality of fresh semen of Bali bull in UPT BIBD Baturiti in October 2019 consisted of semen volume of 6.01 ml, color of beige, percentage of individual motility 169 of 70%, and spermatozoa concentration of 1,072 million/ml. The conclusion of this PKM is that in general the quality and quantity of fresh semen of bali cattle in UPT BIBD Baturiti includes semen volume, color, percentage of individual motility, and spermatozoa concentration in accordance with the standard. Keywords: frozen semen, motility, concentration, cement volume, bali bull