Journal article

Potentiality of Offering Waste Product as an Alternative for Animal Feed


Volume : 5 Nomor : 5 Published : 2018, October

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies


The study was conducted at Denpasar in Janaary 2018. The objective af it was to knaw potentiality of oSering waste products as an alternative -for animal feed. The method used in this study was qualitative method. Dat{i obtained were analyzed descriptively. Environment pollution is a big tlreat in the future for Bali as famous taurist destination in central af Indonesia due to its custom and culture- There is no secondary of it in the world. Waste product of Hindu ritual is originally from ho{ly places where they pray- They are most consrs/s of organic rubbish (coconat and palm leaves, fruits, bamboas, flowers, rice, clothes, etc"). Because of income per capita of Balin*e is rise up year to year, so that their rituals {afferings) that o.ffer to the Gad are getting better too in quantity and quality. It consequence * the wcste products accumulation are getting more and more and environment pollution occurs. Ta reduce environment pollations of that ritual, it needs a perfect effort to process it to be an onimal feed which available frorn year to year, cheep and no competitive with human needs. The process can be done biologicafly process, chemically and physimlly (through fermentation, ammonization, chop, etc.) for making silage. The best biological pracess (fermentation) in en4tme cellulatic system that is produced by Trichoderma reesei W-9414. While ammonization (chemical) use urea, because it is easier than others.