Journal article

Increased Gliricidia sepium in Ration Containing Rice Straw on Rumen Fermentation and Microbial Protein Synthesis of Indigenous Bali Cattle

Ni Nyoman Suryani I Gede Mahardika I NENGAH SUJAYA Anak Agung Ngurah Gunawan

Volume : 7 Nomor : 3 Published : 2019, March

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


An experiment was conducted to investigate Gliricidia sepium in ration containing rice straw on rumen fermentation and microbial protein synthesis (MPS) of indigenous Bali cattle. Randomized Block Design consisted of four ration treatments with three blocks of liveweight as replicate was used in this study. Average liveweights for group I, II and III were 195.25 kg, 230.5 kg and 241.75 kg, respectively. The four rations based on dry matter were: A (0% rice straw+15% Gliricidiasepium+45% elephant grass+10% calliandra+30% concentrate); B (10% rice straw+20% Gliricidia sepium+30% elephant grass+10% calliandra+30% concentrate); C (20% rice straw+25% Gliricidia sepium+15% elephant grass+10% calliandra+30% concentrate) and D (30% rice straw+30% Gliricidia sepium+0% elephant grass+10% calliandra+30% concentrate). Variables measured were digestible nutrient, rumen fermentation and MPS that were analyzed by analysis of variance. Results showed that the Total VFA and propionic acid were significantly (P<0.05) higher in cattle received ration containing more Gliricidia sepium, resulting in the highest MPS in ration C. The relationship between the Total of VFA concentration andMPSshowing in equation: Y = 2.633 X – 34.25 where Y = MPS(g/d) and X = Total VFA, with R2 = 0.77. It was concluded that formula diet containing 20% rice straw supplemented with 25% Gliricidia sepium, 15% elephant grass, 10% calliandra and 30% concentrate improved the Total VFA of ruminal fluid and MPS of indigenous Bali cattle.