Journal article
Pengetahuan Terhadap Perilaku Perawatan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Pada Anak Usia 9-12 Tahun di SDN 27 Pemecutan Denpasar
Carla Dianmartha Sari Kusumadewi DESAK PUTU YULI KURNIATI
Volume : 5 Nomor : 2 Published : 2018, December
Odonto Dental Jurnal
Introduction: One of the factors that can affect oral health is behavior, which is influenced by knowledge. A person who is aware of the importance of oral health can be seen from their knowledge. The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between dental knowledge with their oral health care behavior in children age 9-12 years at SDN 27 Pemecutan Denpasar. Material and methode: This research was an analytic research by cross sectional approach. The respondents in this research were 87 children age 9-12 years at SDN 27 Pemecutan Denpasar. The samples were taken by using systematic random sampling technique and questionnaire as the measuring instrument to know the level of dental knowledge and dental health care behaviour. Processing technique and data analysis used chi square statistic test. Result: The result of this research showed that the respondent who have a high level of knowledge had good behavior is 63,9%. Low knowledge level with less behavior was 80,8%. Respondents have good behaviour if the score of the questionnaire mean total value of questionnaire and respondents less behaviour if the score of the questionnaire < mean total value of questionnaire. Conclusion: It can be concluded there is a significant correlation between dental knowledge and oral health care behavior in children aged 9-12 years in SDN 27 Pemecutan Denpasar, where the students with good knowledge gain the possibility to have good behaviour 7,5 times bigger than the students with low level of knowledge. Keyword: dental knowledge, oral health care behavior