Journal article

The Difference of CD4 Count Between HIV Positive Patients With Cognitive Decline and Without Cognitive Decline

I Putu Eka Widyadharma dr. Sekar Satiti, Sp.S(K) dr. Damodoro Nuradyo, Sp.S(K) Dr.dr. Ismail Setyopranoto, Sp.S(K) dr. Yanri Wijayanti, Sp.PDKPTI, PhD

Volume : 10 Nomor : 2 Published : 2017, July

Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal


The relationship between low absolute CD4 lymphocyte count and neurological complications is well established in the era preceding highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The aims of this study to assess the proportion of cognitive decline among HIV outclinic patient Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta and to determine whether the difference of CD4 count between HIV positive patients with cognitive decline and without cognitive decline. A cross sectional study with consecutive sampling. Subject eligible were 15-50 years of age, without a history of stroke, brain injury, CNS tumor and Parkinson’s disease wich devided into 2 groups (CD4 > 200 cel/mm3 and d”200 cel/mm3). Cognitive function was measured by using MMSE and specified for each domain. Digit span and Trail Making Test B were added to further analyze short term memory and motor processing speed and they perform CD4 count in their blood. Ninety six patients fulfill inclution and exclution criteria. Proportion of cognitive decline was 33.3% among HIV patient. Univariate analysis showed significant difference of CD4 count between HIV positive patients with cognitive decline and without cognitive decline (p=0.02). CD4 count was significantly different in the decline of all cognitive domain on MMSE, also in the decline of short term memory and processing speed. There are high of cognitive decline among HIV outclinic patient Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta. CD4 count are difference between HIV positive patients with cognitive decline and without cognitive decline.