Journal article

Ekstrak air daun ubijalar ungu memperbaiki profil lipid dan meningkatkan kadar SOD darah tikus yang diberi makanan tinggi kolesterol


Volume : 43 Nomor : 2 Published : 2012, May



Food stuffs with high fl avonoids content are believed to prevent various diseases caused by oxidative stress because of its antioxidants effect. Purple sweet potato leaves have been proved containing high fl avonoids, and can be developed very easily. To prove antioxidant and hypolipidemic properties of the water extract of purple sweet potato leaves, one research was conducted in the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. The study design was randomized control group pre- and post-test. Twenty adult male wistar rats were divided into two groups of 10 rats. Both groups of rats were given high-cholesterol diet for three months to induce dyslipidemia. Control group of 10 rats were given only high-cholesterol diet alone, whereas the treatment group also treated with purple sweet potato leaf water extract with a dose of 6 cc per day divided into two doses. Before treatment and after treatment, lipid profi le and blood SOD levels were measured. The results showed a decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol signifi cantly in the treated group (Q = 0.0001). In the treatment group there was also an increase in HDL cholesterol and blood SOD which was signifi cantly differ than the control group (Q = 0.0001). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that administration of water extract of purple sweet potato leaves can improve the lipid profi le and increase blood SOD of rat given high-cholesterol diet/!