Journal article


Volume : 0 Nomor : 0 Published : 2015, September

Advances in Environmental Biology


A B S T R A C T Background: Agro-tourism are emerging and developing rapidly in Bali today. It is an alternative tourist attraction which is synergizes agricultural resources and tourism. In the development, found a variety of problems that arise. Alternative solutions, regulations, and policies are needed, so that its growth can be positive and sustainable contribution to the economic development of Bali. Objective: This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of the current agro-tourism, identify issues and find alternative solutions to its development. Agro-tourism, as a research sample was determined by the snow-bowling method. Data were collected by questionnaires, indepth interview, observation, and focus group discussion. Results: Agro-tourism in Bali are generally small-scale with an average area of 0.4 -1.5 ha and business ownership is individual. Agro-tourism evolve and become the trend of tourist arrivals is agro-tourism poly-culture plantations with civet coffee icon. Some important issues that need attention regarding the development of agro-tourism in Bali are: an increase the value-added of agro products, the preparation of regulatory agro-tourism, and the establishment of agro-tourism associations, the arrangement of facilities and infrastructure, and the training of human resources. Conclusion: The development of small-scale agro-tourism poly-culture plantations is still relevant to the general policy of the development of culture-based tourism in Bali. The alternative solutions are found for solving the constraints of its development need soon to be followed up in order agro-tourism can provide optimal and sustainable benefits. Keywords : Agrotourism, small-scale, agro-product, added value, sustainable,civet coffe