Journal article

Logophoricity in Balinese and A-Structure Binding

Volume : 6 Nomor : 1 Published : 2016, January

International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences


ABSTRACT Logophoric pronouns, commonly found in West African languages, are pronouns used for encoding a concept whereby such pronouns refer to persons whose ideas, speech, thoughts, or state of consciousness are being reported/talked about (Hagège 1974; Clements 1975; Culy 1994, 1997; Sells 1987; Huang 2000; Trask 1993; Bresnan 2001; among others). These pronouns occur in the clausal argument of verbs of communication and perception. Although Balinese does not have pure logophoric pronouns like those found in West African languages, I show that the complex reflexives in Balinese are parallel with logophoric pronouns in West African languages. (Complex) reflexive pronouns and logophoric pronouns have distinct distributional properties in Balinese. (Complex) reflexive pronoun forms must have clause-mate antecedent but the same forms tied to logophoric pronouns must have their targeted antecedents outside the clause they are in. I particularly show that Balinese logophoric pronouns are bound anaphors (items that must be bound) and thy respect the binding theory. Keywords: logophoric pronouns, clausal argument, complex reflexives, binding theory