Journal article

Akibat Hukum Bagi Penerbit Bilyet Giro Kosong

Desi Adilia Wulandari I WAYAN PARSA

Volume : 4 Nomor : 1 Published : 2016, February

Jurnal Kertha Semaya


AKIBAT HUKUM BAGI PENERBIT BILYET GIRO KOSONG Oleh: Desi Adilia Wulandari I Wayan Parsa Bagian Hukum Perdata, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Udayana Abstract: The background of this scientific work entitled Legal Consequences To Issuer Empty Balance Bilyet Giro is because the business people not just using cash in order to commit payment, but also using marketable securities such as bilyet giro. In such way, arise several problem like there are business people issuing bilyet giro with empty balance. Moreover in this scientific work will be shown the legal consequences to whom issuing empty bilyet giro. Law normative method will be used in this scientific work. Conclusion of this scientific work are consequences to issuer empty balance bilyet giro could be criminal sanction, civil sanction, and inclusion of name on national blackli