Journal article

Perubahan Adat Marariq Pada era Globalisasi


Volume : 1 Nomor : 1 Published : 2016, September

Jurnal Ilmiah Sosiologi (SOROT)


AIBSTRAK Me.rariq (E,lope) has b,een a, ,culturie for Sasak society. It has s•pecial meaning that is to respect a•n tha•t c.ann,ot b,e equali:z•ed with a thing, ft.n'therm,ore as a character form being a gen•tleman that abl'e to ta•k,e ,care ,of his wife. sut n has been reformatted. A several societies don't use .Me.rariq but th,ey use purposing to purpose their wire to be as commonly used by most of man that want to ma•ny his woman•. Which is this .also happened to soc,e.ty in L.eneng Village, NTS. r-h•e i'ssu.e• that studied in p,roject is: 1} Ho,w is the ptfJss of M'erariq in 'this globalization era?, 2). wh,at i's 'th,e, ,e.ffect o,f refo•rmation of the Metariq? . The aim of this research is to answer those issues with app.lyinig• c.ase study appro,ach funhermore uses qualitative method. The 'theory that us,ed .is social ch.anged ,{hmc.ti,on.aQ from William F. Ogburn. The result ot this• research Jllu.strates that Me.rariq• ,s o.n•e of the w,edding proc,ess ot Sasak culture that has reformatted from several o•th,er wedding proc1ess. The Sasak weddin,g process are me-rariq1 merangkat, mesejati, nyelabarl, ba'it •walif nga•wina•ng, s,orongserah, b,eg•awe, nyongkolan and bales ones nae. From those processes, seve.ra•t o,t them• that: ha1v,e been rieformatted are merariq, sorongserah,. begawe,, and nyongko,ian•. This reformation causes both negative and positive effect ror the. socie:ty.. :m,e positive• ,effect is re,ducing• early mamage number• and reducing conflict that caused bf the .Merariq. In another hand~ the negative effect makes a gap among soeiet)'"'s relationship. Keywords: '.Me.rarlq' Traditi,on, Social Changed, GlobaJization