This was a live, virtual chat-over-coffee between Indonesian Figshare ambassadors regarding open science in a nutshell. We chatted about the idea that 21st-century research outputs are varied, ranging from (analysis) codes, dataset, presentation slides, figures, map, and pre-print, among many others; they are all valuable in their own way (e.g., sharing analysis codes and data of a given study allows others to verify, replicate, reproduce, and expand what that study has addressed and presented--this is how science progresses and evolves). Thus, present-day research output is not simply what many academics traditionally believe to be, namely research article, though it is still one, core component of the research process. Check out San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (SF DORA) regarding the nature of research output in modern science and how status-quo in research assessment needs to adapt with this development.
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BIT Talk - Coding untuk anak sastra? Perlu banget!