Counseling about the importance of donating the cornea of the eye
Eye Corneal Donor.
Along with the development of
technology and the success of eye corneal transplant surgery at Sanglah
Hospital. Today is Sunday, June 14, 2020, dr. Siska, Sp.M, M Kes and the Eye
Medical Staff Group of Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar together with the Eye Resident
provided counseling about the importance of donating our corneas. This activity
was carried out at Baitul Mujib Mosque and was followed by Mosque Congregation.
Keratoplasty or corneal transplant is an
operation on the eye that aims to replace the damaged cornea of the eye with
a new cornea (donor cornea). Because in Bali there is still a lack of eye
corneal donors, this activity is very important to provide education related to
corneal donors
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World Sight Day 2020 activity, Cataract Surgery at RSPTN