Hospital Publich Health Education during new normal Covid19 "Trading addiction"
In the Covid19 condition, many people carry out securities buying and selling activities such as stocks in the world market because of the treatment of rules to reduce activities outside the home in order to reduce the spread of Covid19. However, this without realizing it has the impact of trading addiction so that anxiety and depression appear which result in emotional changes
* Geser gambar untuk melihat gambar lain dan Klik gambar untuk memperbesar gambar
Inaguration and Plenary Meeting of administrator Indonesian Mental Medicine Specialist Doctors Association (Period 2019-2020), Jakarta January 17th 2020
Moderator of the Elderly Mental Health Webinar and Chronic Disease Patients in the Covid-19 Period by the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University
Webinar Speaker "Strategies for Overcoming Cabin Fever During the Covid-19 Pandemic" by the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University